



Stress Line Hypothesis

Stress Line Hypothesis

Article here https://journals.lww.com/nsca-scj/Citation/1981/06000/The_Stress_Line__Hypothesis.12.aspx

Research Reviews

Training Splits

Training Splits

Introduction Three articles on split training vs. full body training the effects on strength, hypertrophy, and blood markers. Topics will cover how the changes to appetite and lactate with full body training, the change in muscle size from fully body vs. split...


Strength Qualities… a narrative review

Traditionally - strength qualities are measured and assessed when performing a controlled, simple test. For example, someone might use a knee extension machine as the piece of equipment to control the movement. The testing might go something like...

Feedback Improving Performance… Why?

Feedback Improving Performance… Why?

When it comes down to it, the science supporting the benefits of performance feedback is extremely strong. Long story short, getting real-time feedback on your performance (like how fast a bar moved) increases your outputs. To go along with this,...

How you do a movement matters: KB Swings

How you do a movement matters: KB Swings

I wanted to share a little video detailing some classic "mistakes" when doing kettlebell swings. Well... I don't actually think they are mistakes, I think they are just modifications (whether you want this modifications or not is up to you). So...


Developing Muscular Power (Part I & II)

Developing Muscular Power (Part I & II)

We dive into the one of the single best research reviews done (in my opinion) looking at power development! This paper has so many golden takeaways that we wanted to go section by section to make sure we don't miss anything. Check out the paper...